6 strains of Bacillus influenzae, 1 of B. parain-fluenzae (V-factor organism) and 1 of B. hemoglobinophilus cards (X-factor organism) were grown anaerobi-cally on agar supplied with V-factor alone. They were then tested for peroxidase production by the benzidine method. Only B. parainfluenzae gave a positive reaction. B. influenzae was grown in symbiosis with aerobes on plain agar medium. Of 44 aerobes tested by the same method, all but 4 produced peroxidase. 2 of these were streptococcus strains which had been shown by others not to induce growth in B. influenzae. All evidence appears to substantiate Fildes'' view that the X-factor is identical with peroxidase and that its function is intimately connected with the ability of B. influenzae and related organisms to grow in the presence of air.