The C-Terminal Domain of the Adenine-DNA Glycosylase MutY Confers Specificity for 8-Oxoguanine·Adenine Mispairs and May Have Evolved from MutT, an 8-Oxo-dGTPase

MutY is an adenine-DNA glycosylase with specificity for mismatches involving 8-oxoguanine (oG·A) or guanine (G·A). In addition to a 25 kDa catalytic domain common to all members of its DNA glycosylase superfamily, MutY has a 14 kDa C-terminal domain. Sequence analyses suggest that this C-terminal domain is distantly related to MutT, a pyrophosphohydrolase specific for 2‘-deoxy-8-oxoguanosine triphosphate (doGTP). Here we present biochemical evidence that the MutT-like domain of MutY is the principal determinant of oG specificity. First, MutY dissociates approximately 1500-fold more slowly from oG-containing product DNA than from G-containing product, but a truncated protein lacking the C-terminal domain dissociates as rapidly from oG-DNA as the full-length protein dissociates from G-DNA. Second, MutY removes adenine from oG·A mismatches almost 30-fold faster than from G·A mismatches in a pre-steady-state assay, but deletion of the C-terminal domain reduces this specificity for oG·A to less than 4-fold. The kinetic data are consistent with a model in which binding of oG to the C-terminal domain of MutY accelerates the pre-steady-state glycosylase reaction by facilitating adenine base flipping. The observation that oG specificity derives almost exclusively from the C-terminal domain of MutY adds credence to the sequence analyses and suggests that specificity for oG·A mismatches was acquired by fusion of a MutT-like protein onto the core catalytic domain of an adenine-DNA glycosylase.