Vertical distribution of pelagic cephalopods

Vertical Distribution of Pelagic\ud Cephalopods. Smithsonian Gontributions to Zoology, number 209, 51 pages, 31\ud figures, I 975.-The vertical distributions of pelagic cephalopods are analyzed,\ud based primarily on sturlies undertaken in the waters off California, Bermuda,\ud and Hawaii. Much of the information is derived from midwater trawl nets\ud equipped with closing apparatus. Each family that contains pelagic or quasipelagic\ud species is discussed; selected records from the Iiterature are inciuded\ud where necessary.\ud A wide variety of patterns of vertical distribution exists among pelagic cephalo.\ud pods; patterns may be associated with stage of maturity, die! rhythms, or seasonal\ud behavior. The study revealed that several basic types of vertical distributional\ud patterns occur: near-surface dwellers, first order die! vertical migrators, second\ud order die! vertical migrators, die! vertical shifters, die! vertical spreaders, nonmigrators, vertical wanderers, species associated with the .ocean bottom, species\ud exhibiting ontogenetic descent