Detection of seed-borne Sirococcusstrobilinus with monoclonal antibodies in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay

A quantitative indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) employing Sirococcusstrobilinus specific monoclonal antibodies has been developed for use in screening spruce (Picea spp.) seed extracts for this seed-bome fungal pathogen. The ELISA, which is one of the first applications of monoclonal antibodies in immunodetection of conifer fungi, offers several advantages over the currently used "detection by plating" technique for seed-bome pathogens. It is sensitive, detecting less than 25 ng of fungal protein, specific, and is not subject to interference from saprobes. The ELISA is also rapid, giving results within 24 h, and is relatively easy to perform, allowing simultaneous screening of up to 96 seed lots in a single microassay plate.