ESR and Theoretical Studies of Bis-Benzene-1, 2-Diselenolate Nickel and Related Complexes

ESR and theoretical studies of the transition metal complexes of [Co and Ni (Se2C6H4)2] (n-C4H9)4N+ are reported and compared with closely related systems. Room temperature single crystal X-ray studies reveal the Nickel complex is orthorhombic. ESR studies of the polycrystalline powders of the Ni complex as a function of temperature from 108 K to room temperature show a series of spectral envelopes which can arise only from a paramagnetic site which possesses axial symmetry. At ca 160 K, there is an abrupt change in the value of the principal components of the anisotropic g-tensor of the Ni complex which is discussed. Low temperature ESR studies of polycrystalline samples of the ground state triplet Cobalt complex which is isomorphous with the Nickel complex reveal an orthorhombic g-tensor. From the field position of the half-field resonance, it is possible to calculate a mean separation, of the two electrons which make up the triplet state, of 4.3 (±0.5) A.