Spin fluctuation and static properties of the local moments in the Haldane-gap system Ni(C2H8N2)2NO2(ClO4) studied byH1NMR

The nuclear spin-lattice relaxation time T1 of H1 nuclei in the S=1 quasi-one-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet Ni(C2 H8 N2 )2 NO2(ClO4) (NENP) was measured at temperatures above 1.4 K in the field range below 12 T. The field dependence of the relaxation rate T11 exhibited a maximum at 9.5 T, which corresponds to the critical field, for the field parallel to the chain at low temperatures below 4 K. The experimental results were analyzed by treating the magnetic excitation as free fermions. The H1 NMR spectra were also measured for various fields and temperatures. The results showed the appearance of static local moments even at fields as low as 3 T. Their temperature and field dependences were explained by considering the mixing of the ground state and the first excited state in the Haldane-gap system.