Electron-Excitation—Gamma-Decay Reactions in Heavy Nuclei

The feasibility of using the reactions {e+N(εi,Ji)e+,N(εf,Jf)}{N(εff,Jff)+γ} to investigate low-lying states of heavy nuclei is discussed. By detecting the decay photon, the problem of poor energy resolution for high-energy electrons can be circumvented. The formalism for the eγ coincidence cross section is given. The Coulomb distortion of the electron wave functions, which is important for heavy nuclei, is taken into account. Results for the eγ coincidence cross section and the γ-detection cross section for several nuclei are given. The eγ coincidence cross section appears to be feasible when superconducting accelerators became operational. The γ-detection cross section offers a method for investigating low-lying states with present-day accelerators.