In Silico Simulation of Inhibitor Drug Effects on Nuclear Factor-κB Pathway Dynamics

NF-κB is a transcription factor family that activates numerous genes that are related to cell survival, apoptosis, and cell migration. Its persistent activity is associated with tumor formation, growth, metastasis, and drug resistance in many cancer types, including lymphoma, colon cancer, and breast cancer. Current therapeutic efforts for inhibiting this central “switch” include using small molecules to block a selected target in this pathway. Recognizing the regulatory network structure of the NF-κB pathway, we examine in silico the effects of inhibitors targeting various network components, using a kinetic model of the pathway. By simulating the corresponding perturbed system dynamics, we show the resulting time course of inhibition has distinct target-specific profiles. In particular, greater oscillatory potential exists for inhibition of upstream events than for direct inhibition of NF-κB, at low drug concentrations. This phenomenon is observed also when we examine the dynamic effects of the recently approved proteasome inhibitor, bortezomib (PS-341), and compare it with other inhibitors, taking its pharmacokinetics into consideration. Such kinetic analyses of the “drugged” molecular system will facilitate optimal drug target selection and the development of treatment protocols for a molecularly targeted therapy.