Contribution to the Taxonomy of the Turkey Coryza Agent: Cellular Fatty Acid Analysis of the Bacterium

Gas-liquid chromatography was used to analyze cellular fatty acids to elucidate the relatedness of the turkey coryza (TC) bacterium to Alcaligenes spp., Bordetella spp., and other gram-negative bacteria. The results indicated that the TC bacterium is not closely related to Alcaligenes faecalis or any of the reference strains of Alcaligenes and Bordetella studied. Most urease-positive bacterial isolates obtained from the upper respiratory tract of turkeys were identified as Bordetella bronchiseptica. It is suggested that Bordetella avium is a suitable designation for the TC bacterium formally called Bordetella-"like" and A. faecalis type I. It is also suggested that the nonpathogenic bacterium previously identified as type II A. faecalis be designated B. avium-like until further taxonomic studies are available. Furthermore, it is proposed that the term turkey coryza be used to refer to the disease induced by this bacterium.