The starch gel electropherogram of muscle myogens and blood hemoglobins of representatives from the families Petromyzontidae, Esocidae, Centrarchidae, and Percidae were found to be within the limits of species specificity with some exceptions. Evidence of polymorphism was found in the muscle myogen of Stizostedion vitreum of the family Percidae. Only one type of homozygous pattern, designated A, was found in specimens from Great Slave lake, while both the homozygotes A and B as well as the heterozygote AB were found in samples from Lake St. Clair. Further genetically interpretable polymorphisms were also found in the minor protein zones. These natural chemical markers are discussed from the standpoint of their usefulness in subpopulation analyses. The presence of protein zones of common electrophoretic mobilities in three species of the family Petromyzontidae indicated marked resemblances of the muscle myogens at the family level. Total plasma proteins of P. marinus showed vast changes during their parasitic and nonparasitic stages of development. The muscle myogens of some members of the family Centrarchidae also showed strong familial relationships. In hybrids of this group biosynthetic systems for muscle myogens and plasma proteins of both parents were present.