MACC chemotherapy for adenocarcinoma and epidermoid carcinoma of the lung.Low response rate in a cooperative group study

The MACC (methotrexate, adriamycin, cyclophosphamide, CCNU) regimen was administered to 43 patients with advanced epidermoid and adenocarcinoma of the lung. Only 5 patients (12%), all of whom were ambulatory, responded with partial remissions. Median time to progression for the 5 responders was 20 weeks from start of treatment. Median survival was 15.5 weeks for patients with epidermoid cancer and 14.4 weeks for those with adenocarcinoma. Hematologic toxicity was severe, with 2 treatment‐related deaths during profound myelosuppression. White blood counts below 2000/μl were reported in 47%, and below 1,000/μl in 26%. Since the activity of this regimen, given as it was in full doses, is not superior to that achieved with standard doses of single agents which are less toxic, further employment of the MACC regimen is not recommended, either for advanced disease or as a surgical adjuvant.