Generation and detection of photons in a cavity with a resonantly oscillating boundary

The problem of photon creation from vacuum in an ideal cavity with vibrating walls is studied in the resonance case, when the frequency of vibrations equals twice the frequency of some unperturbed electromagnetic mode. Analytical solutions are obtained in two cases: for the one-dimensional model (scalar electrodynamics) and for the three-dimensional (3D) cavity. In the first example, we have a strong intermode interaction; nonetheless, an explicit solution in terms of the complete elliptic integrals is found. The rate of photon generation in the principal mode rapidly assumes a constant value proportional to the product of the frequency by the dimensionless amplitude of oscillations. The total amount of photons created in all the modes increases in time as t2. In the second example, the eigenmode spectrum is nonequidistant and the problem can be reduced to the problem of a single harmonic oscillator with a time-dependent frequency. The number of photons in the resonant mode of a 3D cavity increases exponentially in time and the field appears in a highly squeezed state with a strongly oscillating photon distribution function. The problem of detecting the created photons is analyzed in the framework of a simplified model, when a detector is replaced with a harmonic oscillator. It turns out that the presence of the detector changes the picture drastically: both the detector and the field mode occur in highly mixed (nonthermal) quantum states, with identical nonoscillating photon distribution functions. The detector gains exactly half of the total energy of excitation inside the cavity. The estimations show a possibility of creating up to several hundred or even thousand photons, provided that the cavity’s Q factor exceeds 1010 and the amplitude of the wall’s oscillations is greater than 1010 cm at a frequency of the order of 10 GHz. © 1996 The American Physical Society.