Growth Promotion in Carnivorous Protozoa by Substituted Purines.

The guanine analog, 8-azaguanine, in a concn. of 0.18 [mu]g./ml. had a growth inhibiting effect on 1 sp. of suctorian, Tokophrya infusionum, and a growth promoting effect on another sp., Podophrya collini. The compound induced abnormal giant forms in the former and prevented their appearance in the latter. Guanylic acid antagonized both effects. In the hypotrichous ciliate, Stylonychia pustulata, 8-azaguanine in concn. from 10 to .001 [mu]g./ml. promoted growth and substituted for a supplementary factor previously obtained from natural sources. The methylpurines, caffeine, theobromine and theophylline, in concn. from 100 to .001 ug./ml. were also growth promoting in Podophrya and Stylonychia. The results may be explained on the basis of a purine balance in these protozoa. Apparently guanylic acid intake in other than opt. proportions can interfere with growth in the organisms studied.

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