The staging of testicular tumors

Sufficient information was recorded in the majority of a series of 531 germinal malignancies of the testis, to stage them retrospectively according to the T.N.M. staging system recommended by the U.I.C.C. and compare this with a locally devised — scheme. By separately analyzing the commonest pathological types (differentiated seminoma, malignant teratoma intermediate and undifferentiated malignant teratoma) the histological influence on prognosis was minimized in this comparison. The predictive ability and greater simplicity of the Peter MacCallum Hospital system appears to be superior and it is put forward as an advance in staging for consideration when this comes up for review. It is pointed out that reporting results according to a more rigorous staging system can give the impression that survival figures are better than those obtained at another center using less stringent criteria, when in fact the overall results are the same and nothing has been done for the individual patient. This must be allowed for when considering different methods of treatment. Because of the importance of biochemical markers their inclusion in any staging system is essential; however, they are difficult if not impossible to incorporate under the anatomical sections. A separate category is proposed.