We consider the solutions of the scattering of scalar, electromagnetic, and gravitational waves by the gravitational field of a single particle, for the case of small wave amplitudes and weak gravitational fields. Scatterings are considered for both incident plane waves and incident spherical waves. For plane waves incident on a thin sheet of matter composed of free particles, the superimposed wave solutions give rise to a phase change arising from the coordinate dependence of the speed of light on the gravitational potential, focusing of the incident wave by the sheet, and, in some cases, a phase change due to dispersion of the wave by the matter. For gravitational waves, the index of refraction n is given by n1=2πGρω2, assuming n1 is small, and for electromagnetic waves n=1 to the same order. The index of refraction for scalar waves depends on the form of the scalar-wave equation used. The generation of back-scattered waves is also treated. Calculations are repeated for spherical waves incident on a thin spherical shell of matter. The propagation of δ-function wave packets is then treated in order to show that the solutions are consistent with causality, even though, in some cases, the group velocity exceeds the velocity of light.