Peroxidase antiperoxidase versus specific red cell adherence in detection of O (H) antigen in bladder cancer: A blind study

We have previously demonstrated that the presence or absence of ABO(H) cell surface antigens correlated with stage, grade, and prognosis of patients with bladder cancer. However, because of the weak antigenecity of 0(H), certain investigators have reported a high rate of false‐negative results utilizing specific red cell adherence (SRCA) test of Davidsohn. Since approximately 45% of the population is blood group 0(H), this high rate of false‐negative result renders the test unreliable in an ordinary laboratory. The present study is comparing the results of SRCA to that of peroxidase antiperoxidase (PAP) technique in a double‐blind fashion in 29 patients with bladder cancer having 0(H) blood group. In terms of grade, stage, frequency of recurrent tumor, and quality of slides, the results of PAP is superior over SRCA. Furthermore, the convenience, permanence, and ready availability of PAP will enhance the utility of this test in a conventional histopathologic laboratory with a high rate of accuracy and reproducibility.