Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTV) in potato plants was investigated by ‘return’ gel electrophoresis. The experiments were carried out under quarantine conditions in the greenhouse with primarily and secondarily infected plants. The PSTV content in different plant parts was estimated by the intensity of the viroid band in polyacrylamide gel. The results showed a decrease of viroid content from the upper to the lower parts of the plant. In both primarily and secondarily infected plants, PSTV was reliably detected in the top leaves, but less so in the lower leaves. In four out of ten secondarily infected plants, PSTV was found in the roots. In dormant tubers, the bands were more intense with samples obtained from the rose end and the heel than from those obtained from the medullary tissue. With one exception, all 64 tubers from 26 primarily infected plants were infected with PSTV.