A statistical‐mechanical model for superhelical DNA is presented. The partition function for a DNA superhelix is written by using a combinatorial approach in order to allow for the known relation between the number of superhelical twists and the states of the base pairs in the double helix. While the theory allows any factors which might contribute to the free energy of superhelical twisting to be included in the statistical weights of the superhelical twists, only the reduction in configurational entropy is considered in this paper. Similarities between an imperfectly matched DNA double helix and a DNA superhelix are used in the derivation of expressions for the entropy of superhelical DNA. Although the partition function is presented in a general form, permitting many equilibrium properties of DNA superhelices to be treated, the application considered in this paper is the calculation of helix–coil transition curves. Several experimentally observed features of such transitions are predicted. For example, the curves are bimodal, with an early and a late transition relative to that of a nicked molecule. The results are very sensitive to the volume within which two parts of the double helix must meet when forming a superhelical twist. The free energy of superhelix formation is calculated, and the results are compared with those obtained from the data of Bauer and Vinograd for ethidium bromide intercalation. In the present model, the free energy increases less sharply with an increase in the number of superhelical twists than observed experimentally, indicating that factors other than configurational entropy probably make important contributions to the free energy of superhelix formation.