The pine engraver, Ips pini (Say), is one of the most common bark beetles found in pine and spruce in eastern Canada. Clemens (1916) studied its biology in New York State, and more recently, Reid (1955) reported the seasonal development of this beetle in Alberta. Prebble (1933) discussed the larval development at Fredericton, N.B., and I have listed the associates of this species found in red and white pine logging slash in western Quebec (Thomas, 1955). Leach, Orr and Christensen (1934) and Orr (1935) discussed the association of this bark beetle wit11 blue-staining fungi in red pine logs in Minnesota. Most of the observations reported in this paper concern the life history of I. pini in jack pine at Black Sturgeon Lake in northwestern Ontario from 1952 to 1960. Supplementary observations were also made on the seasonal development of this insect in red pine in southern Ontario in 1956 and 1957, and in white pine at Laniel, Quebec, in 1951.