Validation of the Geocoding and Compositing System (GEOCOMP) using contextual analysis for AVHRR images

Mapping of remotely-sensed data to a common projection can potentially degrade the quality of the data. The Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS) has developed the Geocoding and Compositing System (GEOCOMP) to map Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data to a 1 km2 equal area projection. Using data from the Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (BOREAS), we tested GEOCOMP's processing of individual pixels and its ability to preserve the spatial integrity of the original AVHRR observations. Our study shows that GEOCOMP processing does not significantly degrade the ability to derive environmental variables and indices using a contextual approach. Errors produced by the GEOCOMP system are largest for scenes with high radiometric contrast and the parts of scenes with large satellite view angles.