GUY ON SOMERESEARCHES ON BTEAM-TURBINENOZZLE-EFFICIENCY. 91 THE SIR CHARLES PARS0NS MEMORIAL LECTURE, 1939. U Some Researches on Steam-Turbine Nozzle-Efficiency." By HENRY LEWISGUY, D.Bc., F.R.S., M. INST. C.E. THISseries of Lectures was.founded in memory of one of the very greatmen of our race and time, who worthily rankswith Newcomen, Watt, and Stephenson. The three preceding Leetures have rightly been given by those who, from their own intimate assaciationn with Sir Charles Parsons, could speak with personal authority of his great engigeering and scientific work, with which they were themselves concerned... GUY ON SOMERESEARCHES ON BTEAM-TURBINENOZZLE-EFFICIENCY. 91 THE SIR CHARLES PARS0NS MEMORIAL LECTURE, 1939. U Some Researches on Steam-Turbine Nozzle-Efficiency." By HENRY LEWISGUY, D.Bc., F.R.S., M. INST. C.E. THISseries of Lectures was.founded in memory of one of the very greatmen of our race and time, who worthily rankswith Newcomen, Watt, and Stephenson. The three preceding Leetures have rightly been given by those who, from their own intimate assaciationn with Sir Charles Parsons, could speak with personal authority of his great engigeering and scientific work, with which they were themselves concerned...