A total of 295 cores (590 specimens) were collected at 59 sites in the Coast plutonic complex along an E–W section southwest of Kitimat, British Columbia. The sites represent the Ponder, Alastair Lake, and Quottoon plutons in the 40–50 Ma eastern K–Ar age zone and the Ecstall and Butedale plutons in the 64–80 Ma central age zone. After af demagnetization a stable remanent magnetization was isolated at 32 sites and these data were combined with available data from the Skeena River section about 100 km to the north. The remanence directions in sites from the NNW-trending north and south limbs of the Hawkesbury Warp provide a positive fold test when compared to the WNW-trending centre limb directions.In the Eocene eastern age zone the NNW limbs give a concordant pole position relative to the cratonic North American pole whereas the centre limb has undergone ≈ 50° of the counter-clockwise rotation and ≈ 10° of upward tilt of its western end to give a discordant pole. In the late Upper Cretaceous central age zone, the Ecstall–Butedale pluton was tilted 15° to the west on all limbs before the Eocene intrusion and Hawkesbury Warp deformation events to give a NNW-trend pole and WNW-trend pole diverging in opposite directions from the cratonic reference pole.The geologic field evidence from structural trends, from fault, fold, contact, and foliation attitudes, and from distribution of plutonic phases is consistent with the structural model. The regional geotectonic events are related to possible Cenozoic plate interactions on the western margin of the North American plate. This combination of concordant and discordant poles cannot be explained in terms of an excursion of the geomagnetic paleopole during intrusion, a large scale northward translation of the western Cordillera during the Cenozoic, or a combination of clockwise rotations and northward translations on the margin of the advancing North American plate. The fold test and polarity reversal pattern indicate that all plutons acquired a primary thermoremanent magnetization (TRM) during cooling and probably within ≈ 1 Ma after emplacement.

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