The pollen grains of Berendtiella and Hemichaena are single, isopolar, and tricolporate with a microreticulate to reticulate sexine 2. Intra- and inter-specific variability in pollen characters are assessed statistically, and preliminary evaluation of the taxonomic utility of these data is presented. The bearing of the pollen evidence on proposed intratribal categories and the transfer of the genera from the tribe Scrophularieae (Cheloneae) to the tribe Mimuleae are discussed. The proposed close relationship between the genera and the transfer of Diplacus rugosa to Berendtiella are consistent with the pollen data, but suggested affinities between Berendtiella and Diplacus clearly are not. The grains of Berendtiella and Hemichaena resemble the type II pollen of Mimulus, and the uniformity of pollen morphology in members of the Mimuleae other than Mimulus lends support to the recognition of segregate genera in the latter palynologically diverse genus.