1. The experience with carcinoma of the endometrium at the Radiotherapy Department of the I. González Martinez Oncologic Hospital is presented. A total of 105 patients were seen from January 1, 1956 to December 31, 1966. 2. All patients were submitted to irradiation followed by surgery for operable cases. 3. The preferred form of preoperative irradiation was a combination of external irradiation and intracavitary curietherapy. This achieved tumor disappearance from the operative specimen in over 50 per cent of the cases. 4. The 3 and 5 year survival results have been analyzed and correlated with the stage of the disease and the treatment modalities employed. 5. A net 5 year survival of 69 per cent was obtained in 49 patients of all stages, who qualified for 5 year evaluation. 6. An analysis of the published international results of treatment of carcinoma of the endometrium gives basis to the conclusion that preoperative irradiation affords the best chance of 5 year disease free survival for all patients with this disease.