Electronic Spectrum of (2, 2)Paracyclophane. II

The studies of the absorption and fluorescence spectra of single crystals of (2, 2)paracyclophane in the region 3300–3100 Å reported in a previous paper have been extended. Well‐characterized samples with the (hk0) developed crystal plane were used. In absorption two distinct spectra were obtained in the two polarization components. The fluorescence was strongly polarized in one direction (parallel to the fourfold c axis) and represents the mirror image of the equally polarized absorption component. It was concluded that the observations prove conclusively that the differently polarized spectral components represent transitions to two different electronic states, with an energy difference of 369 cm−1. The lowest‐energy transition certainly contains the 0–0 line and all available evidence supports the conclusion that also the second transition has allowed character. The only interpretation consistent with all observed features of the spectra is as follows. The two observed states are the gerade dimer states (B2g and B3g in D2h) being the out‐of‐phase combinations of the B2u and B1u benzene moiety states. The transitions have allowed character due to a torsional distortion of the molecule in the excited state. The interpretation is fully consistent with theoretical energy calculations.

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