Information on molecular interactions that give rise to the stabilization of various ferroelectric, liquid-crystalline mesophases is important to the realization of their potential utility in a wide variety of optical devices. Understanding the roles that optical activity and optical purity play in the formation and properties of the various smectic phases is therefore of particular interest. In order to study this relationship three new liquid-crystalline materials were prepared, one as a racemic mixture, the other two as the optically active analogues. The optically active isomers appear to exhibit a different mesophase morphology from the racemate. The chiral compounds apparently possess two extra ferroelectric mesophases in comparison to the racemic mixture. The transitions to and from these phases have extremely small enthalpies. An attempt is made to explain the results for the chiral compounds in terms of differing dipolar couplings in the chiral ferroelectric phases. In the racemic mixture these interactions are compromised or scrambled by a loss of asymmetry thus destabilizing these extra phases.