Comparative Cytotoxicity Study of Rock Wool and Chrysotile by Cell Magnetometric Evaluation

Rock wool (RW), a type of man-made mineral fiber (MMMF), is a building material used as an asbestos substitute for heat insulation, fire resistance, and reinforcement. RW is included in group 3 of the IARC classification. In the present study, the cytotoxicity of RW was investigated by cell magnetometry, enzyme assay, DNA ladder detection, and electron microscopic morphological evaluation in comparison with chrysotile fibers (CF). Specimens were prepared by 18-h incubation of Fischer rat alveolar macrophages in the presence of RW fibers as the study material, CF as positive control, and phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) as negative control, together with a relaxation indicator, Fe3O4, except for morphological evaluation, followed by additional procedures of external magnetization and subsequent 20-min remanent magnetic field measurement for magnetometric evaluation, and macrophage DNA extraction for evaluating possible apoptosis by DNA ladder detection. In magnetometry, relaxation, a marker of cytotoxicity, was rapid in both the RW- and PBS-treated groups, while it was delayed in both the long and short CF-treated groups. Differences in percent lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release between the RW-treated group and PBS-treated group were not significant, but those between the RW-treated group and short CF-treated group were statistically significant. A DNA ladder was not detected in any of the study groups. Electron micrographs showed that RW did not cause any change, but CF caused changes in macrophages. Thus, magnetometric measurements suggested no cytotoxicity of RW. We plan, in the future, to evaluate the safety of RW by magnetometric measurement and morphological observation of the lungs in in vivo inhalation experiments.