Linkage Analysis of Chromosome 12 Markers in Italian Families with Atopic Asthmatic Children

We investigated 116 Italian atopic families (560 individuals) for linkage with 13 DNA markers on chromosome 12. All the subjects were phenotyped for asthma, total serum IgE, bronchial hyperresponsiveness, skin-prick positivity to common aeroallergens, and atopy. A relative location map of the markers was prepared from Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain families. Affected sib pair multipoint linkage methods were used to perform the statistical analyses. We report suggestive linkage for asthma with markers on chromosome 12. The region of interest centers around marker D12S390 (maximum logarithm of odds [mlod] = 2.81; p = 0.003). These results provide additional support that asthma susceptibility factors are located on chromosome 12q.