Detection of β‐thalassaemia mutations using DNA heteroduplex generator molecules

In this report we describe a rapid polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based method for the detection of beta-thalassaemia (beta-thal) mutations. This method is based on the visualization of unique DNA heteroduplex banding patterns, following non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, resulting from hybridization between mutant PCR products and synthetic DNA heteroduplex generator molecules. Using the Singaporean population, which consists of Chinese, Malay and Asian Indian ethnic groups, as a model, we have constructed and evaluated three DNA heteroduplex generator molecules for the detection of the common beta-thalassaemia mutations found in this population. The results show that these three molecules are capable of detecting approximately 95% of the mutations found in the Singaporean population. We propose that this technology may be applied as an alternative screening strategy for beta-thalassaemia mutations because it is technically simple, flexible, cost-effective, and requires only minimal laboratory resources.