The detection of a carrier of multiple phage-types of Salmonella paratyphi B

Polluted water from a stream caused three cases of infection with Salm. paratyphi B belonging to two phage-types. These phage-types and two others were isolated from the water.One woman, aged 81, with a history of enteric fever 20 years previously was discovered to be a prolific carrier of at least three of these phage-types, and to be the source of the pollution.We are greatly indebted to Mr G. K. Anderson, County Sanitary Inspector, Midlothian, and to his staff for the large volume of field work they carried out; to Dr E. S. Anderson and Dr A. Bernstein, Central Enteric Reference Laboratory and Bureau, Colindale, London for the phage-typing on which this survey is based; and to Mr James Sutherland, F.I.M.L.T., for his enthusiastic technical assistance.