A set of two-fluid Navier-Stokes equations with classical physical transport coefficients is used to compute the evolution and structure of collisional plasma shock waves in an electromagnetic shock tube. Shock speeds up to 200 cm/μsec and shocked-plasma temperatures of the order of kilovolts are studied. A strong transverse bias magnetic field is employed, which significantly alters the size and shape of the shock profiles, when compared with the zero bias field case. The wave structure is different from that of a two-fluid gas-dynamic shock without transverse magnetic field. Especially significant is the effect of the small ion Larmor radius in reducing the gasdynamic shock thickness by at least an order of magnitude in the transverse shock case, which permits collisional shocks to have thicknesses much smaller than the post-shock mean free path. These collisional shock waves produce very hot ions, the ion temperature increasing with shock speed, although the formation time and distances also increase substantially with shock speed. Generally, the results compare favorably with electromagnetic shock tube experimental data.