Tree searched multi-stage vector quantization of LPC parameters for 4 kb/s speech coding

The authors present a tree searched multi-stage vector quantization (TS-MSVQ) scheme which achieves spectral distortion lower than 1 dB with low complexity and good robustness using 24 b/frame. The M-L search is used and it is shown that it achieves performance close to that of the optimal search for a relatively small M. The best performance/complexity trade-offs are obtained with relatively small size codebooks cascaded in a three-four stage configuration. Results for log-area ratio (LAR) and line spectral pain (LSP) parameters are presented. A training technique which reduces outliers at the expense of a slight average performance degradation is introduced. The robustness across different languages and input spectral shapings is studied. Finally, it is shown that TS-MSVQ significantly outperforms the split-codebook approach.

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