Alkaline phosphatase positive lymphomas: A morphologic, immunologic, and enzymehistochemical study

Among 87 cases of different non-Hodgkin lymphomas studied with morphologic, enzymehistochemical, and immunologic techniques, ten were found with a positive alkaline phosphatase staining reaction of the cell membranes. The ages of the seven adult patients included in this report varied between 48–85 years. Studies of cell suspensions or cryostat sections demonstrated the presence of monoclonal membrane immunoglobulins indicating a B-cell origin of these lymphomas. Investigation of peripheral blood of six patients revealed the presence of a corresponding monoclonal lymphocyte population in four. According to Rappaport's classification, lymphoblastic, poorly differentiated, and well-differentiated lymphocytic as well as histiocytic lymphoma were encountered. According to the “Kiel” classification, most lymphomas were classified in the group of follicle-center cell tumors. The clinical course of the patients was variable. Non-Hodgkin lymphomas with alkaline phosphatase positive staining do not constitute a separate entity.