Field Releases of Codling Moths Sterilized by Tepa or by Gamma Irradiation, 1964-67123

Methods of sterilizing and releasing adult Laspeyresia Pomonella (L.) were evaluated in 1964-67 prior to projected large-scale releases planned to test population control. Thus the moths were first chemosterilized with tepa by dipping (1964), by topical application (1965), and by aerosol spray (1966); then after mid-1966, they were irradiated with a cobalt-60 source. In 1967, the method of irradiation was altered by cooling the cobalt source to inactivate the moths instead of using CO2. Releases were made by hand (1964-66) and by helicopter (1967). In 1964-66, only males were released: 97,797 in 12 acres in 1964; 411,210 in 6 acres in 1965; and 580,344 in 15 acres in 1966. In 1967, both sexes were released: 1,541,754 in 93 acres. An abandoned orchard was used for the 1964 and 1965 tests; commercial orchards were used in 1966 aerosol spray (1966); then after mid-1966, they were and 1967. The degree of control of the native population by releases made in commercial orchards was comparable to that obtained in similar orchards treated with insecticides.

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