Clearance of Natural Surfactant Phosphatidylcholine from 3-Day-Old Rabbit Lungs: Effects of Dose and Species

Surfactants were labeled in vivo with [3H] choline and the large aggregates of the surfactant were recovered by alveolar wash and centrifugation. The labeled natural surfactants from rabbit, sheep, cat, and pig were injected into the airways of 3-day-old rabbits, and the percent recoveries of the labeled surfactant-associated phosphatidylcholine were measured in alveolar washes, lung tissue after alveolar wash, and in the lungs (alveolar wash plus lung tissue). The rabbit surfactant-associated phosphatidylcholine was cleared from the lungs at a constant 15.6 ± 1.8% per 24 h (mean ± SE) of the injected doses of surfactant that contained from 0.41 to 10.2 µmol phosphatidylcholine. At all times following injection, approximately 50% of the labeled phosphatidylcholine remaining within the lungs was recovered in the alveolar wash and 50% with the lung tissue. The percent clearances for sheep, cat, and pig surfactant phosphatidylcholine in rabbits were 12.5, 16.6, and 16.3% per 24 h, respectively, values not different from that measured for rabbit surfactant. The results documented a slow clearance of exogenously administered surfactant phosphatidylcholine as a fixed percent of the injected dose that was unchanged by species source of the surfactant.