Metabolism of Methyl Mercury (203Hg) Compounds in Man

The oral intake of 2.6μCi of methyl-mercuric nitrate Hg 203 by three clinically healthy, white, male volunteers aged 37 to 44 years resulted in an accumulation in the liver and the head of the 203Hg. The main excretory route was the feces but the urinary excretion increased with time up to 30 days after the intake. The biological half-life was found with whole body measurements to be 70 to 74 days. The decline of 203Hg in the head was less rapid than in the rest of the body. No 203Hg was found in the sperm. A very rapid uptake was found in the erythrocytes. The main activity was localized in the liver (about 50% of the contents of the body) whereas the head contained about 10% of the total body content. After infinite time a weekly unit dose of methyl mercuric nitrate Hg 203 will result in a whole body burden of 15.2 units mercury.

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