Vestibular Dysfunction Causing Instability in Aged Patients

Unilateral vestibular hypofunction (UVH) is a common vestibular dysfunction. Its influence upon the vestibulospinal reflex (VSR) is studied by posturography. The postural sway is disturbed when the VSR is disregulated because of the UVH. The degree of disturbance depends on the effectivity of the central compensation. Our results indicate that these adaptive mechanisms become less effective with advancing age. The importance of ocular fixation as a compensatory mechanism is also obvious. The comparison between posturographic recordings made with eyes open and those made with eyes closed, shows that, in elderly people, more abnormal posturographic recordings are found with eyes closed. Accordingly, with regard to the problem of falling in the elderly, the function of the vestibular system must be assessed and especially its influence upon the standing posture. The combination of classical vestibular and posturographic results affords this indispensable information.