Mapping the genome of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). I. Construction of an RFLP linkage map and localization of QTLs for seed glucosinolate content

A linkage map of the rapeseed genome comprising 204 RFLP markers, 2 RAPD markers, and 1 phenotypic marker was constructed using a F1 derived doubled haploid population obtained from a cross between the winter rapeseed varieties ‘Mansholt's Hamburger Raps’ and ‘Samourai’. The mapped markers were distributed on 19 linkage groups covering 1441 cM. About 43% of these markers proved to be of dominant nature; 36% of the mapped marker loci were duplicated, and conserved linkage arrangements indicated duplicated regions in the rapeseed genome. Deviation from Mendelian segregation ratios was observed for 27.8% of the markers. Most of these markers were clustered in 7 large blocks on 7 linkage groups, indicating an equal number of effective factors responsible for the skewed segregations. Using cDNA probes for the genes of acyl-carrier-protein (ACP) and β-ketoacyl-ACP-synthase I (KASI) we were able to map three and two loci, respectively, for these genes. The linkage map was used to localize QTLs for seed glucosinolate content by interval mapping. Four QTLs could be mapped on four linkage groups, giving a minimum number of factors involved in the genetic control of this trait. The estimated effects of the mapped QTLs explain about 74% of the difference between both parental lines and about 61.7 % of the phenotypic variance observed in the doubled haploid mapping population.