Risk Factor Pattern for Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease as Observed in the Female Population of a Swedish Community, Strömstad

In the community of Strömstad, Sweden, a high mortality from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases was observed in, the female population during the 1970s. In 1985 a health survey was offered by the primary health care service to all women aged 45–64 years in order to identify for later intervention those women who had risk factors for these diseases. More than half the women had one or more risk factors as defined in the study, their number increasing with increasing age. Increased triglyceride concentration or abdominal adiposity or both were present in 23%, while 25% were smokers and 22% had arterial hypertension. By identifying persons at risk, prevention can be initiated by primary health care intervention. A high participation rate (86%) indicates that prevention is requested by the population.