Hypophysial and Plasma LH Levels in Intact and Castrate Cockerels1

The OAAD (ovarian ascorbic acid depletion) method was used to estimate LH (luteinizing hormone) levels in plasma and adenohypophyses of castrated and intact White Leghorn cockerels as related to age. Hypophysial LH concentration in intact males rose steadily and significantly with increasing age, but decreased significantly in castrates and remained lower than in controls. Plasma LH concentration increased in both groups with age and was significantly higher in castrates. LH content of the whole pituitary was about the same in castrates as in controls at the time of sexual maturity of the controls. Hypophysial LH concentration per unit pituitary weight of controls was greater. This suggests that castrates not only release hypophysial LH faster but that they also synthesize it faster than do intact birds. In the controls there is a significant correlation between testes'' weight and comb area and plasma LH level but not with hypophysial LH levels.