Complex vs Band Formation in Perovskite Oxides

It is argued that there is a critical cation‐anion covalent mixing parameter λc such that ligand‐field theory is appropriate for λ<λc, but band theory must be used for λ>λc. This provides, therefore, a criterion for distinguishing metallic vs magnetic compounds in those structures, like perovskite, where cation‐cation interactions are negligible. It is also argued that λσc can be anticipated where the cations are in a low‐spin state. The fact that LaNiO3 contains low‐spin NiIII and exhibits no Jahn‐Teller distortion suggested that λσc in this compound. Metallic conductivity from −200° to 300°C and Pauli paramagnetism from 4° to 300°K seem to confirm this suggestion. Where λ≈λc, there is the possibility of a phase change in which λ<λc in some directions, λ>λc in others. LaCoO3 seems to illustrate this situation. It undergoes a transition at 1210°K, the cobalt ordering into alternate (111) planes of high‐spin Co3+ and planes containing low‐spin CoIII. Below 400°K the latter planes contain only CoIII ions. The magnetic Co3+ ions couple antiferromagnetically via Co3+‐``diamagnetic CoIIIO6 complex''‐Co3+ superexchange to give TN≈90°K.