The effect of professional toothcleansing on gingivitis and dental caries in children after 1 year

The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of professional mechanical toothcleansing on plaque, gingivitis and dental caries in young children with a high caries experience. Children (78), 7 yr of age, were stratified according to presence or absence of smooth surface lesions on the permanent teeth and subsequently randomly assigned to an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group was given a thorough mechanical toothcleansing every 2 wk. After 12 mo. a statistically significant difference in plaque accumulation and a minor difference in level of gingival inflammation was demonstrated between the 3 groups. The incidence of dental caries in permanent teeth present at both examinations was 70% lower in the experimental group. The effect on permanent teeth erupting during the study and on primary teeth present at both examinations was not statistically significant.