Die Sensibilisierte Sprachaudiometriei

A survey has been made of different special procedures in speech audiometry which are based on creating difficulties for the correct perception and comprehension of speech and the elements which constitute it. According to the procedure followed, a modification or distortion (sensibility) may take place of: 1°, One of the qualities of the voice (pitch, intensity or tone quality) in speech function; 2°, One of the rhythmic qualities of the word and speech (acceleration of the words or phrases, interruption in the word, inversion of the phrases, translation of the accents); 3°, One of the superior qualities—mnesic, of attention and semantic—of language (phrases or lists of words of different amplitude, lists of difficult words, meaningless phrases, alternated phrases, different simultaneous speeches). These recent procedures in speech audiometry constitute a new chapter promising in range, principally for the topographical diagnosis of central lesions (which, as we have seen, could not be carried out through the usual otological exploration). The general indications of these new procedures may be combined in the three following objectives: 1°, Sensibilized speech audiometry furnishes data of great interest for the topographical diagnosis of central lesions and tumours, and for the clinical and functional differential diagnosis of aphasias, stuttering, psychogenic deafness and presbycusis; 2°, Sensibilized speech audiometry furnishes data of great interest for the selection of special hearing-aids which make use of determinate auditory zones of functional value and for the valuation of the hearing remnant; 3°, Sensibilized speech audiometry furnishes data of great interest in certain surgical operations, such as atresias and otosclerosis in elderly persons.