Goodness-of-Fit Techniques

Conveniently grouping methods by techniques, such as chi-squared and empirical distributionfunction , and also collecting methods of testing for specific famous distributions, this usefulreference is the fust of the extensive literature on the subject. It surveysthe leading methods of testing fit . .. provides tables to make the tests available . .. assessesthe comparative merits of different test procedures . .. and supplies numerical examples to aidin understanding these techniques.Goodness-of-Fit Techniques shows how to apply the techniques . .. emphasizes testing for thethree major distributions, normal, exponential, and uniform . .. discusses the handling of censoreddata .. . and contains over 650 bibliographic citations that cover the field.Illustrated with tables and drawings, this volume is an ideal reference for mathematical andapplied statisticians, and biostatisticians; professionals in applied science fields, including psychologists,biometricians , physicians, and quality control and reliability engineers; advancedundergraduate- and graduate-level courses on goodness-of-fit techniques; and professional seminarsand symposia on applied statistics, quality control, and reliability.

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