A fast spectroscopic diagnostic for the measurement of plasma impurity ion dynamics

A high‐resolution spectrometer has been developed and used to measure simultaneously impurity ion temperatures and flow velocities in high temperature plasmas with 10 μs temporal resolution (limited by digitization rate). This device is actually a duo‐spectrometer: measurements from two different chordal views of the plasma can be made simultaneously via two separate quartz input fiber optic bundles coupled to the entrance slits which are tilted to compensate for line curvature. The dispersed spectra on the exit plane of the duo‐spectrometer are coupled via quartz fiber optics to two arrays of 16 photomultiplier tubes each. Measurements made by recording the Doppler broadened and shifted 227.091 nm emission from the C v impurity ions in the Madison Symmetric Torus (MST) reversed‐field pinch (RFP) plasma have achieved precisions of <6 eV for temperatures of 150 eV and <0.7 km/s for flow velocities of 6 km/s. Representative results from the MST RFP indicate that the toroidal flow velocity drops and ion temperature increase during sawtooth events in MST.