Effects of magnesium, calcium, and serum on reversion of stable L-forms

The L-form of Agromyces ramosus was stable in the absence of penicillin when transferred on heart infusion agar containing NaCl and serum. It reverted to its bacterial form, however, when magnesium replaced the serum in this medium. On a dilute medium containing NaCl but lacking serum, the L-form died out unless calcium, magnesium, or serum was added. It grew as the L-form in the presence of calcium of serum but reverted to the bacterial form in the presence of magnesium. Reversion also occurred when magnesium was added to the dilute medium containing serum. Calcium interfered with or prevented the magnesium-induced reversion. The revertant bacterial form resulting from these studies was not NaCl sensitive, as was the case of the bacterial revertant of this organism produced in soil (A. H. Horwitz and L. E. Casida, Jr., Can. J. Microbiol, 24:50--55, 1978).