Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of 7Li and 1H in Solid Lithium Imide, Lithium Amide, and Lithium Nitride

Nuclear magnetic resonance lines of 7Li nuclei have been observed in solid, polycrystalline samples of LiNH2, LiNH, and Li3N. Proton resonance lines have also been observed in the first two samples. In LiNH2 there is a splitting of the 7Li resonance line due to first‐order quadrupole effects which indicates a coupling constant of 119±4 kHz (estimated limit to maximum error) at room temperature. In Li2NH no quadrupole effects are seen which is in agreement with the fact that the lithium nuclei in this compound are situated in sites of cubic symmetry. In Li3N both first‐ and second‐order quadrupole effects have been observed simultaneously. From these data 7Li coupling constants for Li3N have been found to be 296±4 and 200±10 kHz at room temperature. An unexplained line was also observed at low magnetic fields for this compound. These effects were found to vary with temperature and with the purity of the sample.