Isobaric Analog Resonances in the Scattering of Protons byCd114

Elastic and inelastic scattering of protons from Cd114 has been studied for proton energies between 7 and 10 MeV. Resonances have been identified at the following laboratory energies in MeV; numbers in parentheses give the orbital angular momentum in the elastic channel: 7.20 (0), 7.45 (2), [7.55 (2)], 7.68 (2), 7.85 (0), 8.00 (2), 8.58 (2), 9.15 (1), 9.30 (3), 9.71 (3). All are analogs of known states in Cd115, from the ground state to 2.5-MeV excitation. The elastic-scattering reduced widths are compared with the stripping reduced widths to the analog levels in Cd115. Agreement in relative value is found only for large reduced widths; the smaller components of the wave function seem to be different in the parent and in the analog states. The inelastic-scattering data indicate that the 0.48-MeV level has a very large overlap with the first excited state of Cd114 (2+), while a level near 2.0 MeV has a very large overlap with the 3 state of Cd114 at 1.95 MeV. Other states are also discussed.