In-plane thermal conductivity and Lorenz number in YBa2Cu3O7y

We make a tentative proposal to extract the electronic contribution to the in-plane thermal conductivity κel(T) of YBa2Cu3O7y in the normal state. We have measured κab(T) for single crystals with various oxygen contents (6.06<~ 7y <~6.93). The systematic study of the oxygen-content dependence of κab for the insulating phase enables us to estimate the phononic contribution κph(T) for the metallic phase to some extent. Based on the estimated κph, we examined κel from the view point of whether the Wiedemann-Franz law holds or not. The estimated κel appears to show only a weak T dependence and no significant change at a characteristic temperature T* below which the electrical conductivity σab(T) is enhanced possibly due to the opening of a spin gap. The difference between κel and σab suggests the violation of the Wiedemann-Franz law below T*. We discussed the ambiguity of our analyses and other possible interpretations of the present result as well as the picture of the charge transport speculated from the above suggestion.