New parametrization of the Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix and its implications

We propose a new parametrization of the quark mixing matrix (the Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix) in terms of four independent moduli of its matrix elements: ‖Vus‖, ‖Vcb‖, ‖Vtd‖, and ‖Vub‖/‖Vcb‖. Based on this convenient parametrization, we study the constraints on the top-quark mass and the quark mixing elements ‖Vij‖ from the recent measurement of ε’/ε, the ARGUS result on Bd0-B¯ d0 mixing, the ratio ‖Vub‖/‖Vcb‖, and the mixing parameter ε in the K0-K¯ 0 system taking into account all the uncertainties in the input.